Meet the Flock at Withers Wool and Farm
If we had to keep only one breed of sheep, it would be the Merinos. They have the finest, softest wool of any sheep breed. The range of colors include white, moorit, chocolate, gray and black. They have huge fleeces!
The sheep and goats are pasture feed (supplemented as needed with hay and grain) and are rotated across our various fields. No pesticides are used on the farm.
The Angora Goats have beautiful temperaments and produce lovely, lustrous mohair. We specifically breed for soft, supple fiber.
Angora goats are the most fragile of our fiber animals. They do not like to get wet and will not leave the shelters when it is raining or snowing. When they have kids, we have to be there. We are always prepared to bottle feed kids, since we have had kids rejected by their mother, kids who reject their mother or who just do not want to bend under to drink. Kids that are chilled at birth have to be blow dried before they will suck from their mom. But it is all worth it when the first shearing reveals a gorgeous fleece that is like no other in softness and silkiness. Their mohair does not have elasticity, so used by itself, it is best as scarf, shawl or embellishment. Blended with wool, it adds a sheen and strength to a sweater or other project.
Our star Angora Goat is Cutie Pie. She was born in August 2020. We have put a variety of videos and pictures about her on Facebook and Instagram. All Angora Goat kids are cute; we named her Cutie Pie because she was especially cute. She has charisma - and knows it. We invite everyone to follow her adventures and will periodically post about her on Facebook/instagram.
Video of some of the moments of our star Angora Goat, Cutie Pie.
Cutie Pie is a mom
This is her baby buck, Paprika, born on 19 Feb 2024