A Project Almost Finished

Talk about insomnia. I should be sleeping, but thoughts keeping running through my head. I went reading around on Ravelry. That is such a cool site. So many links and places to visit.

Had an eye exam this morning and no changes in my eyes since two years ago. Kristie arrived this afternoon and I went with her to buy a friend's wedding gift. Kristie and Kyle both went to pick up a DVD at Blockbuster and brought back a James Bond movie Golden Eye which I had never seen. It gave me the chance to start sewing up the seams on a sweater out of llama and wool that I started last January. I hope to finish and show it off at the guild meeting on Wednesday. It is huge and meant to keep me warm, when I go out to check on animals. If I get compliments on it, I will write up the pattern, otherwise I will know that it is just a functional sweater! I am on the house computer, so can't/won't load photos. It is too slow...