Fire just a little too close

I took this picture at 4:30 A.M. I got a call at 4 from a neighbor down the road telling me that the apartments across the street from me were on fire. I opened the front door and took one look and started to get Kyle up. Marc was still home, which I did not realize. You can see the height of the building on the right (which is the one still standing in the picture below.) There were 3 buildings that tall in the now open space. The second stories were still on the buildings that have been flattened and the flames were shooting really high into the air. It was really scary that in half an hour those buildings were just gone.
The two remaining buildings are too close for comfort, if you ask me.
The above apartment building was one of the already inhabited ones from 4 years ago. One whole end of it is burnt out. It looks like the fires started in the new construction and spread to the old building. I personally think the buildings are much too close together and too high. I did not realize how much of the view they had taken up.
The smell of smoke is everywhere, so I have the air conditioner on high to suck it out. I found large ashes in the animal area. Sure am glad the wind was not blowing. It would have hit us easily. Marc needs to check the roof tonight - just in case! It will make me feel better.

The animals were fine and none panicked. I figured that the llamas would scream, if they felt threatened.

The TUSD school group came out to drop spindle today. Of the eight, 4 were fairly good. I can always pick out the ones who are scientific/more precise! They will be back next week to wet felt. All of them will like that!