
All of the animals have been sorted into pens according to mating requirements. The whole area is now raked and lonely looking.
This is No Size's Father. He is not cute, but he has lovely hair and knows what to do around a doe in heat. He has been very busy since he arrived last Thursday. I expect a lot of kids during the first week of March. The young colored bucks are making lots of noise, but I don't think they are getting the job done. I am going to put No Size's father out with all of the yearling and older does after the wool festival. I figured that having them all in pens will make it easier for the shearer.
A couple of the animals escaped from pens and a few seemed to be getting picked on, so I have left them to roam. This is Agave. She still needs her mother, so I left her out after she escaped and then got her mother back out. Absynthe got penned behind a feeder, so I let her out also. She is very vocal when she is in heat, so I will know when to put her back. I am not breeding any of the young does this year.
Agave and Joshua hang out at dinnertime.