
This is a small sampling of what a friend bought. Can't wait to see what she makes.
Caroline was really good and came down to help on both Saturday and Sunday. She finally got the chance to go on a wheel and was even demonstrating. I cropped the watcher, since I did not get her permission to post. Caroline is going to catch up with me quickly!
James AKA Dart posed with the Headless Wonder after buying the freeform hat. Now I will have to make another - since I do want to sell the pattern.
These two balls have a story, that only Livia, Caroline and I know! Gorgeous combination of colors. Livia is planning to crochet my green crochet shawl pattern and add a twist. Hopefully, she will send me a picture.
Suzy visited my shop today and had a blast. She started out with the wrap and then lots of gorgeous yarn. I think I am going to be coiling yarn in my sleep to restock. I also need to make a new wrap. Can't decide, if I will use something in the shop, or start new. I will know by tomorrow.

My shop was up in time for her visit. I need a new shop photo for my website. Marc put up more lighting in the and the yarns look great.