4th Avenue

I managed to forget to include the information about the 4th Avenue in my last post.

I will be there - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in booth 331. It is in the same area that I have been in for the past few years - southwest side between 7th and 9th.

I will be bringing all of my finished goods, yarns and a sampling of rovings, batts and mohair locks. If you are going and want me to bring something specific, please let me know. The shop will have roving and batts and the millspun yarn. Marc will be here and I am hoping to have a friend hang out during my shop hours, since I have been getting a lot of drop ins.

No babies this morning. A few sheep and one goat could deliver any time. I am hoping that they will all pop early this week, so Marc won't have to deal with it alone. He does know what to do now, which is a total relief, but he does have to work, even if here at home, so he can't be out there as much as I am.