New design

I am tired of cleaning and reorganizing. This is my fiber room and it is stuffed. There is enough room to walk around the 3 racks in the middle of the room. All of this fiber is washed, some dyed and some carded into roving. If you are a spinner and want large batches of fiber, please email to set up an appointment.
It seems like I always come up with a new shawl design when I am planning on visiting Kristie. She would never wear one, but I think of all of the time on the plane and how much I can get done. This one might be finished before I leave, since the design has been established, so it has become mindless. Of course, I could get bored and then have to take it to finish it. I was intrigued by a few patterns that I saw that seemed to have ripples in the design.
Some of the Shetland rams for sale. Only the ones with perfect horns get to be sold to breeders. I am no longer registering the Shetlands.

We have had awesome looking skies this month, but no rain. The clouds travel around us all of the time. I have told Marc that God is waiting for him to quit complaining. 50% chance of rain and we got a few sprinkles. I am so glad that we are on a well. Each of the animal areas have swimming pools and they are emptying them more than twice a day. They have automatic waterers, but the water in those does not stay as cool.