The raffle earned $81 for the Casa Maria Kitchen in Tucson, despite the poor turnout. Rain in Arizona in April is rare, but we got it. The turnout for the first tour was pretty good and Danny was able to shear the sheep in the barn. He will finish shearing tomorrow morning, so anyone who wants may come out about 9:30 to watch. The shop will be open. The winner of the rug is Cheryl Walling. She has till next Saturday to contact me and say that she is coming to collect it. If I do not hear from her, another name will be pulled. Hopefully, she or a friend checks my blog, since that is how I posted that I will announce the winner. In other news, I lost Spindle, the baby alpaca that was born late January. She was bit by a rattlesnake and too young and small to survive. We have seen lots of rattlesnakes this year and some unseen killed my Black Sheep Cup last month and now this baby. Do be careful when you go outside. We have had them in the backyard twice and under the orange tree outside the shop recently. It has really depressed me.