Winter Happenings

Merino sheep breed out of season, meaning that they can have lambs throughout the year. I scheduled two groups for the winter. Three of the four ewes have delivered - chocolate and black lambs. I have two purebred Merinos left to deliver and their lambs will be white.

Cutie Pi and her mother joined the rest of the angora goats when I pulled the buck out this week. They have all finally settled down. Solo and Duo did the typical male bonding ritual of head bashing with the older buck and reached an accord.

The puppies, East and West are really good at following and they have already learned the property boundaries and where the invisible fence runs. They still chase the sheep and goats, so they cannot mingle with them without supervision.

Included are a few farm scenes and projects that I have been working on. I spun up an entire bag of Shetland mohair and I hope that I have enough to make a tunic. I have made a swatch and chosen my needles so I will start knitting today.

I am hoping for a happier new year and a chance to see you again in person. Enjoy this downtime and have a Happy New Year!